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Microsoft Excel Shortcuts (Windows)
1. Excel Shortcuts for selecting Rows Columns and Cells
1.1 Navigation Basics
Arrow Keys | Navigate one cell at a time in any direction |
Ctrl+Arrow Keys | Move to the edge of data region (cells that contains data) |
Page DownPage Up | Move one screen down/ up |
Alt+Page DownAlt+Page Up | Move one screen right/ left |
TabShift+Tab | Move one cell to the next/ previous cell in worksheet |
Home | Move to beginning of row |
Ctrl+Home | Move to the beginning of worksheet |
Ctrl+End | Move to the last cell with content of worksheet |
Ctrl+G | Display the GoTo dialog box |
Ctrl+G then type e.g. A50 | Go to line 50, Column A |
Ctrl+G then type e.g. G1 | Go to column G, Line 1 in Excel |
Ctrl+Backspace | Set focus back to active cell after e.g. scrolling away from it |
1.2 Select Basics
Shift+Arrow Keys | Extend selection by one cell |
Shift+Page DownShift+Page Up | Extend selection one screen down/ up |
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Keys | Extend selection to next non-blank cell |
Shift+Home | Extend selection to beginning of the row (unfortunately, there is no Shift+End equivalent) |
Ctrl+A with empty cells around current cell | Select all |
Ctrl+A with filled cells around current cell | Select all cells in data-containing area. Press twice to select everything |
Ctrl+Shift+Home | Extend selection to first cell of the worksheet |
Ctrl+Shift+End | Extend selection from current cell to all cells with data on the worksheet |
Ctrl+G | Manual selection by row/ column via GoTo menu. A:B selects column A thru C, 1:3 selects row 1 thru 3 , A1:B3 select cells A1 thru B3, etc |
1.3 Select Columns and Rows
Shift+Space | Select current row |
Shift+Spacethen Shift+Arrow Downthen Shift+Arrow Up | Select current row then expand selection by one row down/ up |
Shift+Space then Shift+Page Down then Shift+Page Up | Select current column |
Ctrl+Space | Select current column, then expand selection by one column right/ left |
Shift+Space then Shift+Arrow RightThen Shift+Arrow Left | Select current column then expand selection by one screen right/ left |
Shift+Space then Shift+Alt+Page Downthen Shift+Alt+Page Up | Select current column, then expand selection by one screen right/ left |
1.4 Insert Rows, Columns and Duplicate Content
Shift+Spacethen Ctrl+- | Select single row; then delete |
Shift+Space then Ctrl+-Shift+Arrow UpShift+Arrow Down | Select multiple rows; then delete |
Shift+Space thenCtrl+Shift++ | Select single row; then insert one row above |
Shift+Space then Ctrl+Shift++Shift+Arrow UpShift+Arrow Down | Select multiple rows; then insert the same number rows below |
Shift+Space then Ctrl+- | Select single (or multiple) columns, then delete |
Shift+Space then Ctrl+Shift++ | Select single row, then insert row below. Select multiple rows to insert multiple rows |
Ctrl+Shift++ with row(s) in clipboard and a row selected | Paste Insert – paste row(s) from clipboard and shift existing content downward |
Ctrl+Shift++ with column(s) in clipboard and column selected | Paste Insert – paste column(s) from clipboard and shift existing content to the right |
Ctrl+Shift++ | With cells that are not complete rows/columns – Open insert cell/ row/ column menu |
Ctrl+- | With cells that are not complete rows/columns – Open delete cell/ row/ column menu |
Shift+Arrow Down F2 then Ctrl+Enter | Fill single cell content down to all cells selected with Shift+Arrow Down |
Shift+Arrow Up F2 then Ctrl+Enter | Fill single cell content up to all cells selected with Shift+Arrow Down |
1.5 Duplicate Content
Ctrl+D | Duplicate cell or line above (Duplicate Down) |
Ctrl+R | Duplicate cell or line above (Duplicate Right) |
Shift+Space then Ctrl+D | Duplicate content from row above of selection |
Ctrl+Space then Ctrl+R | Duplicate column content from column to the left of selection |
Ctrl+ | Duplicate single cell from above during editing a Cell. Similar to Ctrl+D, but on single cell only and applies to when editing. This also allows e.g. amend text from above to the current cell content. |
1.6 Extend Selection Mode and select non-adjacent Cells
Press and hold Ctrl then click or click and drag | Add non-adjacent cells to a selection. While continue to hold Ctrl, click on selected cells or drag ranges to de-select. |
F8 | Extend selection from current cell; same effect as pressing and holding Shift. There is an Extend Selection texts at in Excel Status Bar. Press Escape to exit Extend Selection Mode |
Shift+F8 | Enter Locked Selection Extend Mode. Now you can add non-adjacent cells to a selection. There is an Add or Remove Selection text at bottom of Excel Window |
Shift+F8 then click on cells or click+drag cell ranges | Add non-adjacent cells or ranges to locked selection |
Shift+F8 then Arrow Keys then 2x Shift+F8 on a single cell | Add non-adjacent single cells to locked selection |
Shift+F8 then Arrow Keys then Shift+Arrow Keys then 1x Shift+F8 selected range. | Add non-adjacent cell ranges to locked selection |
1.7 Shortcuts for Editing Cells
F2 | Edit cell. Press Escape to cancel |
F2 then Shift+Home | Select Cell Content. Selects from current end of cursor to beginning |
Home/End | Jump to beginning/ end of cell |
Arrow Keys | Navigate by one character left/ right or one line up/ down |
Ctrl+Arrow LeftCtrl+Arrow Right | Navigate by one word left/ right |
Shift+Arrow Keys | Select one character to the left/ right (or one line up/down) |
Shift+HomeShift+End | Select from the insertion point to beginning/ end of cell |
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow LeftCtrl+Shift+Arrow Right | Select or unselect one word to the left or right |
DeleteBackspace | Delete one character to the right or left of cursor |
Ctrl+Delete | Delete from cursor to end of cell |
Alt+Enter | Start a new line inside cell |
EnterShift+Enter | Complete cell entry and move one cell down or up |
TabShift+Tab | Complete cell entry and move one cell right or left |
Ctrl+Enter | Complete cell entry and don’t move selection |
Ctrl+ | Duplicate value from Cell above into current cell at cursor position |
Ctrl+; | Insert current date at cursor position |
Ctrl+Shift+; | Insert current time at cursor position |
1.8 Edit Cells with Multiple Cells Selected
TabShift+Tab | Move active cell right/ left in selection |
EnterShift+Enter | Move active cell down/ up in selection |
Shift+Backspace | Select only the active cell when multiple cells are selected |
Ctrl+Backspace | Show active cell within selection; helps with large selections when active cell is off screen |
Ctrl+. | Move clockwise between the four corners of a selection |
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow RightCtrl+Alt+Arrow Left | Move to the right/ to the left between non-adjacent selections (with multiple ranges selected) |
Arrow Keys with active Selection | Cancel Selection |
2. Shortcuts for Excel Workbooks, Worksheets, and Tabs
2.1 Open and Save Workbooks
Ctrl+O | Open Workbook via new open box to access additional locations |
Ctrl+Alt+F2 | Open file via classic open dialog window |
Alt+F O | File Open via Excel file manager |
Alt+F O + 1…9 | Open recent file (1 thru 9) |
Alt+F O Y1…Z | Open recent file (10 upwards) |
Alt+F O K | File Open from OneDrive Link |
Ctrl+S | Save File with current file name |
F12 | Save file as via standard save dialog box |
Alt+F A | File Save as via Excel file manager |
Alt+F A K | File Save to OneDrive Link |
Esc | Exit open or save menu |
2.2 Print Workbooks
Ctrl+P | Print. This won’t offer Key Tips/ Options. To continue with shortcuts, use the new Key Options below. |
Alt+F P | Open File Print menu |
I in Print Menu | Select printer |
Alt+P if Key Tips disappear | Return Print key tips/ options |
V in Print Menu | Focus on View pane; use arrow keys to forward/ backward preview pages |
G in Print Menu | Page setup |
N in Print Menu | Set Number of copies |
2.3 Manage Worksheet Tabs
Ctrl+Page DownCtrl+Page Up | Move to the next/ previous worksheet in current workbook |
Alt+H IS | Insert worksheet (Home – Insert Sheet) |
Alt+H DS | Delete worksheet Home – Delete Sheet |
Alt+H OR | Rename worksheet (Home – Format – Rename worksheet) |
Alt+H OM | Move worksheet (Home – Format – Move worksheet) |
Move worksheet (Home – Format – Move worksheet) | Worksheet tab color, continue with mouse or arrow keys (Home – Format – Tab color) |
2.4 Freeze, Split, and Hide Windows
Alt+W+FF | View – Freeze or unfreeze; unfreeze works for any Freeze Setting |
Alt+W+R | View – Freeze first visible Row on screen |
Alt+W+C | View – Freeze first Column on screen |
Ctrl+9 | Hide selected rows |
Ctrl+Shift+9 | Unhide hidden rows within the selection |
Ctrl+0 | Hide selected columns |
Shift+F10 then U | Unhide selected columns (Ctrl+Shift+0 not working in Excel 2010, 2013, or 2016) |
Alt+W S | Split or unsplit Worksheet at current position |
3. Excel Cell Borders Shortcuts
3.1 Basic Cell Borders
Ctrl+Shift+7 | Apply border on all sides of cell |
Ctrl+Shift+- | Remove all borders from selection |
3.2 Cell Borders via Border Menu
Ctrl+1 then Ctrl+Tab | Open Border Menu |
Alt+HB them M | Open Border Menu |
Alt+T | Toggle Top border (in border menu) |
Alt+B | Toggle Bottom border (in border menu) |
Alt+R | Toggle Right border (in border menu) |
Alt+L | Toggle Left border (in border menu) |
Alt+O | Toggle Outline order (in border menu) |
Alt+I | Toggle Inside border (in border menu) |
Alt+H | Toggle Horizontal interior border (in border menu) |
Alt+V | Toggle Vertical interior border (in border menu) |
Alt+U | Toggle Upwards diagonal border (in border menu) |
Alt+D | Toggle Downwards diagonal border (in border menu) |
Alt+N | Remove/ Neutralize all borders (in border menu) |
3.3 Cell Borders via Ribbon Shortcuts
Alt+HB then O | Bottom border |
Alt+HB then P | Top border |
Alt+HB then L | Left border |
Alt+HB then R | Right border |
Alt+HB then N | No borders |
Alt+HB then A | All borders |
Alt+HB then A | Outside borders |
Alt+HB then T | Thick outside borders |
Alt+HB then B | Bottom double borders |
Alt+HB then H | Thick bottom borders |
Alt+HB then C | Top and thick bottom border |
Alt+HB then U | Top and double bottom border |
4. Excel Date and Time Shortcuts
4.1 Insert and Format Date and Time
Ctrl+; | Insert static date |
Ctrl+Shift+; | Insert static time |
Ctrl+; then Space then Ctrl+Shift+; | Insert static date followed by time |
=TODAY() | Insert todays date as formula |
=NOW() | Insert todays date and time as formula |
Ctrl+Shift+3 | Apply date format to selection as dd-mmm-yy |
Ctrl+Shift+2 | Apply time format to selection as h:mm AM/PM |
4.2 Custom Date Formats
Ctrl+1 | Access Format Number menu (press Ctrl+Tab if tab Is not in focus, press Tab or Ctrl+T for Type to access number format) |
M | Month as single digit (e.g. 1/23/2020) |
mm | Month as double digits (e.g. 01/23/2020) |
mmm | Month abbreviated 3-letter (e.g. Jan/23/2020) |
mmmm | Month as full name (e.g. January/23/2020) |
mmmmm | Month as abbreviated 1 letter (e.g. J/23/2020) |
D | Day as 1 digit number (e.g. 1/1/2020) |
dd | Day as 2 digit number (e.g. 1/01/2020) |
ddd | Day as 3-digit abbreviation (e.g. 1/Wed/2020) |
dddd | Day as full name (e.g. 1/Wednesday/2020) |
Y | Year as 2 digit number (e.g. 1/1/20) |
yy | Year as 4 digit number (e.g. 1/1/2020) |
4.3 Custom Time Formats
Ctrl+1 | Access Format Number menu (press Ctrl+Tab if tab Is not in focus, press Tab or Ctrl+T for Type to access number format) |
H | Hours without leading zero |
hh | Hours with leading zero |
M | Minutes without leading zero |
mm | Minutes with leading zero |
S | Seconds without leading zero |
ss | Seconds with leading zero |
AM/PM | Display AM or PM |
H | Time elapsed in hours (Hours in 24-hour format) |
M | Time elapsed in minutes |
M | Time elapsed in minutes |
mmm | Month abbreviated 3-letter (e.g. Jan/23/2020) |
mmmm | Month as full name (e.g. January/23/2020) |
mmmmm | Month as abbreviated 1 letter (e.g. J/23/2020) |
D | Day as 1-digit number (e.g. 1/1/2020) |
dd | Day as 2-digit number (e.g. 1/01/2020) |
ddd | Day as 3-digit abbrevation (e.g. 1/Wed/2020) |
dddd | Day as full name (e.g. 1/Wednesday/2020) |
Y | Year as 2-digit number (e.g. 1/1/20) |
yy | Year as 4-digit number (e.g. 1/1/2020) |
5. Excel Format Shortcuts
5.1 General Cell Format
Ctrl+Alt+V then T and Enter | Copy a cell via Ctrl+C, then via Paste Special, paste format of that cell to current cell |
Alt+Enter | Repeat a previous cell format action on current cell |
Ctrl+1 | Open Format Cells dialog with last selection active |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Open Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active |
5.2 Font Face, Font Decoration, and Cell Color
Ctrl+B | Apply/ remove bold format |
Ctrl+I | Apply/ remove italic format |
Ctrl+U | Apply/ remove underline format |
Ctrl+5 | Apply/ remove strikethrough formatting |
Alt+H FF | Home select Font Face; type font name supported by auto-complete or use Arrow Down to select. |
Alt+H FS | Home select Font Size; use Arrow Key, then Enter to change size |
Alt+H FC Escape Enter | Assign current font color to selection via Home Font Color. While escaping the font-color drop-down, the focus stays on the icon; simply press Enter to assign the current color. |
Alt+HH Escape Enter | Assign current fill color to selected cell color via Home Higlight Cell. While escaping the highlight drop-down, the focus stays on the icon; simply press Enter to assign the current color. |
Alt+HH then N | Set to No fill color |
5.3 Number Formats
Ctrl+Shift+~ | Apply the general number format (e.g. 1000) |
Ctrl+Shift+1 | Apply the number format with two decimal places, thousands separator (e.g. 1,000.00) |
Ctrl+Shift+2 | Apply the time format with the hour and minute, and indicate AM or PM |
Ctrl+Shift+3 | Apply the date format with the day, month, and year |
Ctrl+Shift+4 | Apply the currency format with two decimal places (e.g. $1,000.00) |
Ctrl+Shift+5 | Apply the percentage format with no decimal places (e.g. 10%) |
Ctrl+Shift+6 | Apply the scientific number format |
5.4 Alignments
Alt+H AL | Align Left |
Alt+H AR | Align Right |
Alt+H AC | Align Center |
Alt+H AT | Align Top |
Alt+H AM | Align Middle |
Alt+H AB | Align Bottom |
5.5 Wrap and Merge
Alt+H W | Wrap or unwrap text (Home – Wrap Text) |
Alt+H MM | Merge cells – Merge |
Alt+H MU | Merge – Unmerge |
Alt+H MC | Merge and Center |
Alt+H MA | Merge Across (merge all columns, but not rows in selection) |
6. Excel Formula Shortcuts
6.1 Basic Formula Usage
Ctrl+` | Toggle show formulas on/off |
= | Start a formula |
Alt+= | Insert the AutoSum formula |
Ctrl+A with formula present | Edit formula in formula Bar |
Ctrl+Shift+U | Expand or collapse formula bar |
F4 | After typing cell reference (eg =E4) makes reference absolute (=$E$4). Repeat if you want to toggle from absolute reference to partial or complete removal ($E$4 -> E$4 -> $E4 -> returning to E4. |
Shift+F3 with empty cell | Display the ‘insert function; dialog box |
Shift+F3 with formula present | Edit arguments of formula at cursor position |
Alt+HFD U | Select all Formulas (Home – Find – Formulas |
Ctrl+Shift+Enter with array formula | Enter a formula as an array formula. Formula bar will show this as e.g. {=SUM(A1:A3*B1:B3)} which is the sum of A1*B2+A2*B2+A3+B3. This is an easy and concise method. Remember that each time editing the formula will require the Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Some keyboards seem to distinguish between left and right Shift key |
Ctrl+` | Show/ hide all formulas. This will automatically extend all column widths which reverses when pressed again |
Ctr+ | Duplicate formula from cell above |
F3 | Paste named range in formula |
6.2 Common Text Functions
=LEFT (text num_chars) | Return X number of chars of text from left |
=RIGHT (text num_chars) | Return X number of chars of text from right |
=MID (text start_num num_chars) | Return X number of chars of text from middle |
=LEN(text) | Returns length of text |
=CONCATENATE (text text2 u2026) | Concatenates/ combines multiple cells or text fragments |
=FIND (find_text within_text) | Case-sensitive search of text within provided text. Add optional start position as optional parameters. |
=SEARCH (find_text within_text) | Case-insensitive search of text within provided text. Add optional start position as optional parameters. |
=TRIM(text) | Remove extra spaces from beginning and end of text |
=UPPER(text) | Convert text to all upper case |
=LOWER (text) | Convert text to all lower case |
=PROPER (text) | Convert text to all proper case (first letter capital, rest lower case) |
6.3 Common Calculation Functions
=SUM (value1value2 u2026) | Sum values |
=COUNT (value1value2 u2026) | Count cells |
=COUNTA (value1value2 u2026) | Count cells with content |
=MAX (number1 number2 u2026) | Maximum value |
=MIN (number1 number2 u2026) | Minimum value |
6.4 Auditing Formulas
Ctrl+[ | Select direct precedents |
Ctrl+Shift+[ | Select all precedents |
Ctrl+] | Select direct dependents |
Ctrl+Shift+] | Select all dependents |
Alt+M+P | Formulas – Trace Precedents |
Alt+M+D | Formulas – Trace Dependents |
Alt+M+AA | Formulas – Remove all Arrow Traces |
6.5 Shortcuts for Force Calculation
F9 | Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks |
Shift+F9 | Calculate the active worksheet |
Ctrl+Alt+F9 | Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 | Recheck dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated |
7. Excel Shortcuts for Auto Tables, Auto Filters and Pivot Tables
7.1 Auto Tables
Ctrl+T | Create auto Table from selection |
Ctrl+Space | Select table column |
Shift+Space | Select table row |
7.2 Auto Filter
Ctrl+Shift+L | Turn Autofilter on or off. Select table as necessary but many times Excel figures out what you want. |
Alt+Arrow Down | On the field with column head, display the AutoFilter list for the current column. Press Escape to cancel |
Arrow DownArrow Up and Sace | Select the next/ previous item in the AutoFilter list |
Alt+Arrow Up | Close the AutoFilter list for the current column |
HomeEnd | Select the first item/ last item in the AutoFilter list |
7.3 Pivot Tables
Alt+NV | Insert PivotTable after selecting data range. Follow up with Alt+E for existing worksheet if desired, Tab, and type the cell reference where it should go (e.g. C1) |
F10+R | Refresh PivotTable |
Ctrl+- | Hide selected item |
Alt+Arrow Down in header | Unhide item(s) by opening header drop-down and using Arrow Keys and Space to unhide item |
Type over any field with the value hidden | Unhide item(s) (assume you have two fields “color”, and “size” and you hid “color”. Go into “size” field and type “color” – this will unhide the “color” field |
Type over any field with another field in same table | Flip current field value with the value typed |
Ctrl+Shift+* | Select the entire PivotTable report |
Alt+Shift+Arrow Right | Group selected PivotTable items |
Alt+Shift+Arrow Left | Ungroup selected PivotTable items when on group header |
Alt+JTX | Expand all fields |
Alt+JTP | Collapse all fields |
Ctrl+Shift+plus | Insert pivot formula/ calculated field |
Alt+F1 | Create Pivot Chart in same Worksheet |
F1 | Create Pivot Chart in new Worksheet |
8. Excel Shortcuts for Advanced Undo, Redo, Repeat and Copy & Paste
8.1 Undo, Redo, and Repeat Action
Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Ctrl+Y | Redo (after undo) or Repeat (e.g. when applying formats) |
Alt+3 | Undo list (via quick access). Use Arrow Down to extend undo range. |
Alt+4 | Redo list (via quick access). Use Arrow Down to extend redo range. |
Alt+Enter outside edit cell mode | Repeat last action. E.g. try to set a cell bold with Ctrl+B, then go to a different cell and press Alt+Enter; great to cascade formatting across multiple cells |
8.2 Cut, Copy, Paste, and Paste Special
Ctrl+X | Cut cell(s) to clipboard |
Ctrl+C | Copy cell(s) to clipboard |
Ctrl+V | Paste cell(s) from clipboard |
Ctrl+plus | Insert Paste – Paste cell and push content downward or rightward. Works great for entire rows and columns. |
Ctrl+Alt+V | Open Paste Special Menu (requires a prior copy to Clipboard) |
Ctrl+Alt+V then V Enter | Paste Values |
Ctrl+Alt+V then T Enter | Paste Formats |
Ctrl+Alt+V then E Enter | Paste Transposed |
Ctrl+Alt+V then W Enter | Paste Column Width |
Ctrl+Alt+V then U Enter | Paste Values and Number Formats |
F3 | Paste a defined name into a formula |
9. Excel Find and Replace Shortcuts
Ctrl+F | Display the Find and Replace dialog box (with find selected) |
Ctrl+H | Display the find and replace dialog box (with replace selected) |
Esc | Close the find and replace dialog Box (with focus on dialog box) |
Shift+F4 | Find next (with search box closed) |
Ctrl+Shift+F4 | Find previous (with search box closed) |
Alt+Tab or Ctrl+F/H when losing focus | Toggle focus between find/ replace dialog box and worksheet |
Alt+F | Find next with find dialog box active |
Alt+I | Find all with find dialog box active |
* in search option | Use as Asterix for searching multiple characters |
? in search options | Use as wildcard for searching any single character, Use “~” before “?” when searching special characters. ~* searches for * ~~ searches for ~ ~? searches for ? |
10. Excel Ribbon Shortcuts
10.1 Ribbon Shortcuts identical for Most Office Applications
Ctrl+F1 | Minimize/ restore Excel ribbons |
Alt+F | File Ribbon |
Alt+H | Home Ribbon |
Alt+N | Insert Ribbon |
Alt+JD | Draw Ribbon |
Alt+G | Design Ribbon |
Alt+W | View Ribbon |
Alt+R | Review Ribbon |
Alt+Y | Help Ribbon |
10.2 Excel-specific Ribbon Shortcuts
Alt+M | Formula Ribbon |
Alt+A | Data Ribbon |
Alt+B | Adobe Ribbon (if installed) |
Alt+L | Developer Ribbon (if activated) |
11. Other Excel Shortcuts
11.1 Shortcuts for Autofitting Rows and Columns and Column Width/ Row Height
Shift+Alt+Right Arrow with cell or cell range selected | Group selected cells with option to group as Row- or Columns Group |
Ctrl+Space then Shift+Alt+Arrow Right | Group columns |
Shift+Space then Shift+Alt+Arrow Right | Group rows |
Shift+Alt+Arrow Left | Ungroup rows or columns |
Alt+A then H | Hide group (Collapse) via Data – Hide group |
Alt+A then J | Show group (Expand) via Data – Show group* |
Ctrl+8 | Hide Outline Symbols |
11.2 Hyperlink Shortcuts
Shift+F10 then 2x I then Enter | Open hyperlink |
Shift+F10 then R | Remove one or multiple hyperlink(s) |
Ctrl+K | Insert or edit hyperlinK (for complete cell only) |
11.3 Excel Comment Shortcuts
Shift+F2 | Insert/ edit a cell comment |
1x Escape when in Comment then Arrow Keys | Move comment |
2x Escape when in Comment | Escape comment editing and return to cell |
Ctrl+Shift+O | Select all cells with comments |
Shift+F10 then M | Delete single comment (or multiple with multiple comments selected) |
11.4 Data Forms Shortcuts
TabShift+Tab | Move to the next/ previous field which can be edited |
EnterShift+Enter | Move to the first field in the next/ previous record |
Page DownPage Up | Move to the same field 10 records forward/ back |
Ctrl+Page Down | Move to a new record |
Ctrl+Page Up | Move to the first record |
HomeEnd | Move to the beginning/ end of a field |
11.5 Other Excel Shortcuts
Shift+F7 | Display the thesaurus dialog box |
F7 | Display the spelling dialog box |
Alt+F IE | Enable Editing for protected view (File Info Enable Editing) |
Alt+F4 | Close Excel |
F1 | Help |
Alt+ | Style dialog box |
Ctrl+F3 | Define a name or dialog |
Ctrl+Shift+F3 | Create names from row and column labels |
Alt+F1 | Create and insert chart with data in current range as embedded Chart Object |
F11 | Create and insert chart with data in current range in a separate Chart Sheet |
Alt+F11 | Open VBA editor window |
Ctrl+F6 | Scroll between open workbooks |
Alt+F8 | Display macro dialog box |
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